Student/Parent Handbook & Policies

Student/Parent Handbook 2020-2021: Dress Code

Regular attendance and promptness are good habits to be developed for one’s occupation and every aspect of life. 这些礼貌和为他人着想的品质是必不可少的. They are also vital for the maximum achievement of the individual and the progress of the group. Students are advised to build a record which will help them when they seek admission to college or attempt to secure a permanent job.

The professional staff at Alleman High School is convinced that there are many educational experiences in school that reach beyond the academic subject matter being presented in the classroom. Absences from school can seriously hamper success in school, both in social development and in academic progress. We recognize that school attendance is the moral and legal responsibility of the parent/ guardian, and the parent/guardian should give serious consideration before they permit their son/daughter to be absent from school.


The Illinois School Code states, “Whoever has custody or control of any child between the ages of six and seventeen years shall cause such child to attend some public school in the district wherein the child resides the entire time it is in session during the regular school term...”

While the school is deeply concerned with regular attendance and will do all within its power to ensure regular attendance, the final responsibility for seeing that the student is in school legally rests with the parent/guardian.


A. EXCUSED ABSENCES: Consent of both parent/guardian and school. Excused absences include:

  1. Illness — the school may require verification by a physician for absences for five (5) days or more due to illness.

  2. Doctor or dentist appointment.

  3. Funeral.

  4. An absence approved by the administration.

The administration reserves the right to limit the number of excused absences for school sponsored events.

B. UNEXCUSED ABSENCES: A student who is absent without all the required approvals and verifications is considered unexcused. The student will neither be permitted to make up work or tests nor to do them in advance for an unexcused absence. (One (1) session of an after school study session will be given for each period missed or until a note is acquired.)

Note: “Personal” Days do not exist for students.

A student who is out of school less than four (4) class periods will be marked absent for half a day. This also applies to doctor and dental appointments. 缺课四(4)节或以上的学生将被记为全天缺课.



  1. An approved doctor's excuse. Doctor's excuse must be on office stationery and include the office phone and the time and date of the appointment.

  2. Extended illness or injury when so stated by the doctor.

  3. Participation in a school activity.

  4. Funerals (members of immediate family).

  5. 拜访辅导员或管理人员,为学生提供官方文件.

  6. 有适当的法庭书面证明出庭.

The 5/10 absences allowed in each class are intended to cover illness and/or those situations which cannot be handled on vacations (college visits, TEC, court appearances, funerals, etc.). Students are expected to be in class.

All suspensions from school will count as part of the 5/10 days.

在学生第5 /10次缺课后出现情有可原的情况, 学生可以书面向校长提出上诉,并说明情况.


A. CALL IN: 家长/监护人可致电出勤办公室(786-7793)或电邮至 before 9:30 A.M. to report a student’s absence. 如果学生生病了,必须向出勤处说明症状. 当学生返回时,还需要向总办公室发送书面通知或电子邮件. Absence for reasons other than illness should be referred to numbers two (2) and three (3) below.

 B. RETURN TO SCHOOL: Students absent from any class must report to the Main Office PRIOR to first period or upon return to school for an ADMIT SLIP. Absences are considered unexcused until the student has presented a WRITTEN NOTE or parent email to the main office with an explanation signed by his/her parent/guardian. 学生向学校办公室出示录取通知书后,将获得录取通知书. If, after 2 school days, the student has not presented a written note, he/she will not be permitted to class until a written excuse is recorded by the parent/guardian. Administrative discretion may be used to determine an absence as unexcused if a note is not presented within a reasonable amount of time. The student must present the Admit to the teacher of the first period attended that day for their signature before class begins. That teacher will return it to the Main Office. 除非出示录取通知书,否则学生不得进入课堂. This is the student’s responsibility.

Students that must leave during the school day for an appointment or for any other reason must present a WRITTEN NOTE or email of explanation signed by his/her parent/guardian to the Office PRIOR to first period. Alleman High School requests that the note contains the name of the doctor or dentist in case we need to verify the appointment. The student will receive an OFFICE PERMISSION SLIP which will allow him/her to leave school at the specified time. Upon return, the students must present a note from the doctor that includes the time and date of the appointment. 如果无法由医生、牙医等进行预约验证., the Office Permission Slip must be accompanied by a written note signed by his/her parent/guardian. At this time, the student will receive an Admit Slip.

Parents/guardians desiring to have their child excused from school for any length of time must obtain a PARENT REQUEST OF STUDENT ABSENCE form from the Main Office. This form must be signed by the parent/guardian, and by each one of the student’s teachers. 最迟须于缺课前一天交回副校长. It is the responsibility of the student with an excused absence to request and do the make-up work. Satisfactory arrangements for completing the work should be made with each teacher prior to the absence. When the student returns to school, 他/她必须向总办事处出示由其父母/监护人签署的书面通知. At this time, the student will receive an Admit Slip. (The Administration asks that parents make every effort to see that family vacations coincide with school vacations published in the official school calendar.)

When a student has been absent THREE (3) or more consecutive school days a request for homework can be made. Parents should call the Counseling Office at the end of day two or during first period on day three to make this request and every effort will be made to have homework ready in the Main Office by the end of day three otherwise the information will be available on day four. 连续缺课五(5)天以上者, 学生返校时可能需要医生的证明.

所有在艾尔曼就读的学生都应与父母或法定监护人住在一起. Exceptions must be reviewed and approved by the Administration.

A student must be in attendance by 10:00 A.M. and remain in attendance the rest of the school day in order to practice and/ or participate in any extra-curricular activity scheduled for that day. This would include students attending events as spectators. Any variance must be granted by the Assistant Principal in consultation with the Administration.

上课铃响前未到第一节课的学生是迟到的. 任何到校迟到的学生都应该到总办公室去开一张迟到单. A written verification from the parent acknowledging the tardiness should accompany the student upon his/her arrival at school or be provided within 2 school days. In the event that it is necessary for a student to be late to school due to a doctor's appointment, 医生办公室必须提供适当的证明. In cases of inclement weather, the administration will advise the attendance office as to procedure. When a student accumulates six tardies to school in a semester, the parents will receive an email from the school stating that all additional tardies will be UNEXCUSED. 由于无故迟到,学生将无法补课. 


Students are expected to be on time for classes and study halls. Students arriving to class after the bell rings without a late pass will be counted as tardy and referred to the office for detention. 老师会清楚地解释准时意味着什么.


At the opening and closing of the school day, students should enter and exit the building dressed according to Alleman High School standards. The following guidelines shall determine dress and grooming:

  1. Decency/Modesty,

  2. Neatness

  3. Cleanliness,

  4. Suitability for school.

政府保留决定这些指导方针的权利. In addition any hairstyle or attire deemed inappropriate, extraordinary, or distractive, or any attire which is thought by the Administration to be damaging to school property is in violation of the dress code. Students are to wear TRADITIONAL HAIRSTYLES. 男孩的头发必须剪得不露出衣领和眉毛 & ear lobes are visible. Combing hair to the side to be in compliance is not acceptable. 违反仪容整洁准则的发型包括但不限于酒吧, mushrooms, writing, or designs cut into hair or eyebrows, spiked hair and mohawks. A student whose hairstyle is deemed inappropriate by the Administration will be notified of the date by which the hairstyle MUST be brought into compliance. If at that time, the hairstyle does not meet Administrative approval, the student will be sent home and his/her absence will be considered UNEXCUSED until an acceptable hairstyle is obtained.

Individuals in violation of the Dress & Grooming Code may receive detentions. Students in violation of the dress code, which is not correctable in the school confines, may have appropriate attire brought to school by a parent or the student may be sent home to correct his/her appearance.

COVID-19 DRESS CODE UPDATEMasks (face coverings) will be worn the entire school day by all staff and students while they are in the building. 如果学生忘记带口罩,欧博体育app可以提供一个一次性口罩供当天使用. 欧博体育app要求家长为学生提供自己的面具(纯色), print or disposable with no writing, logos (AHS logo is ok)  or pictures/symbols). Administration reserves the right to supply a student with a disposable mask if the mask they are wearing is deemed inappropriate. 屡次不遵守伊利诺斯州规定的戴口罩的规定, the Catholic Diocese of Peoria  and Alleman High School will result in disciplinary action consistent with failure to wear appropriate attire. 


  • 纯色传统剪裁的正装裤或统一风格的裤子(深蓝色), black, khaki, grey, brown). Side cargo pockets are NOT allowed. No more than 4 pockets are allowed. No elastic at the ankle on dress pants, pant legs must be open. Tight fitting or extra baggy pants are prohibited.All pants must be worn with waistband above the hips. No cargo, denim, nylon, velour or athletic pants.

  • 纯色棉或灯芯绒传统短裤(深蓝色), black, khaki, grey, brown) with at least a 5 inch inseam  (mid-thigh length) may be worn from April 1st to October 31st. 没有货物,牛仔布,尼龙,丝绒,紧身裤,或运动短裤.

  • Shirt with a collar and sleeves. Shirts may be solid or print but should not have writing. All shirts must be loose fitting and be tucked in at all times. Shirts that are not long enough to be tucked in and stay tucked in while a student raises his arms or bends over are not allowed. 有钮扣的衬衫必须扣到倒数第二颗钮扣. Long sleeve shirts may not be worn under short sleeve shirts.

  • Collars are a required part of the dress code. Collars must wrap around the neck. Shirts which have collars that fold over and turtle necks that can also be folded over are appropriate.

  • Shoes are required at all times. Shoes are to be dress or athletic shoes. 不允许穿厚靴、登山靴、凉鞋、木屐、洞洞鞋或露跟鞋.

  • 毛衣、毛衣背心或拉链可以穿在要求的有领衬衫外面. 

  • 毛衣、毛衣背心或拉链可以是纯色或印花的,但不应该有文字.

  • ¼ zip style must be a lightweight fleece material or dri-fit and not plush material or outerwear.

  • 服装上的任何品牌标识都不应超过一美元.  No college or other school logos allowed.

  • Crew neck sweatshirts and hooded sweatshirts may be worn over the required collared shirt, only if they are Alleman Apparel. All hooded sweatshirts must be Alleman Apparel regardless of whether they have a ¼ zip or not.

  • Hats, sweatbands, bandanas, sunglasses, 外套或外套(包括轻便或羊毛外套), and gloves are not to be worn in school.

  • 尽管佩戴大多数类型的珠宝并没有被明确禁止, it is not acceptable to wear earrings or ear spacers/gauges. All body piercing adornments are forbidden.

  • All boys must be clean shaven. Sideburns are to be no longer than the bottom of the ear lobe.

  • Tattoos may not be visible while at school or while representing the school in any activity or function.

  • Individuals with preexisting tattoos are responsible for making the Administration aware of this prior to admission.


  • 纯色传统剪裁的正装裤或统一风格的裤子(深蓝色), black, khaki, grey, brown). Side cargo pockets are NOT allowed. No more than 4 pockets are allowed. No elastic at the ankle on dress pants, pant legs must be open. Tight fitting or extra baggy pants are prohibited.All pants must be worn with waistband above the hips. No cargo, denim, nylon, velour or athletic pants.  

  • 纯色棉或灯芯绒传统短裤(深蓝色), black, khaki, grey, brown) with at least a 5 inch inseam (mid-thigh length or longer) may be worn from April 1st to October 31st. 没有货物,牛仔布,尼龙,丝绒,紧身裤,或运动短裤.

  • Solid colored cotton or corduroy traditional dress skirts may be worn no shorter than 4 inches from the fold in the back of the knee.

  • Shirt with a collar and sleeves. Shirts may be solid or print but should not have writing. All shirts must be loose fitting and be tucked in at all times. Shirts that are not long enough to be tucked in and stay tucked in while a student raises his arms or bends over are not allowed. 有钮扣的衬衫必须扣到倒数第二颗钮扣. Appropriateness and modesty (within an inch or two of the collarbone) are to be the rules of thumb in regards to the neckline. Long sleeve shirts may not be worn under short sleeve shirts.

  • Collars are a required part of the dress code. Collars must wrap around the neck. Shirts which have collars that fold over and turtle necks that can also be folded over are appropriate.

  • Shoes are required at all times. Shoes are to be dress shoes or athletic shoes. 不允许穿厚靴、登山靴、凉鞋、木屐、洞洞鞋或露跟鞋.

  • 毛衣、毛衣背心或拉链可以穿在要求的有领衬衫外面.

  • 毛衣、毛衣背心或拉链可以是纯色或印花的,但不应该有文字.

  • ¼ zip style must be a lightweight fleece material or dri fit and not plush material or outerwear.

  • 服装上的任何品牌标识都不应超过一美元.  No college or other school logos allowed.

  • Crew neck sweatshirts and hooded sweatshirts may be worn over the required collared shirt, only if they are Alleman Apparel.  All hooded sweatshirts must be Alleman Apparel regardless of whether they have a ¼ zip or not.

  • Hats, sweatbands, bandanas, sunglasses, 外外套或夹克衫(包括轻便或羊毛夹克衫)), and gloves are not to be worn in school.

  • 尽管佩戴大多数类型的珠宝并没有被明确禁止, girls may wear no more than three earrings in each ear. All other body piercing adornments are forbidden. Nose rings/ ear spacers/gauges are not allowed.

  • Tattoos may not be visible while at school or while representing the school in any activity or function.

  • Individuals with preexisting tattoos are responsible for making the Administration aware of this prior to admission. 


  • 在特殊场合允许改变着装要求时, 得体和体面仍然是一般的准则. Inappropriate clothing would include, but not be limited to: torn or frayed clothing, see- through items, items with inappropriate sayings, slogans, or references, advertising or promoting alcohol, drugs, and/or tobacco. Remember "Dress- up" days are special. Your clothing must be modest and neat. Regulations regarding skirt length, stockings, shoes, and outdoor wear are to be followed. Normal dress code regulations apply to a student who chooses not to participate on days when there has been an approved change in dress.

  • Athletes, on the day of a game, may wear team jerseys or warm up jackets over the school uniform (coach’s discretion).

  • Any clothing or accessories which are in any way gang related will not be tolerated in school or at school functions.

  • Chains attached to billfolds are not allowed in school.

  • Physical Education students are required to be in the appropriate gym attire each day of class. 适当的着装是艾尔曼衬衫和短裤,白袜子和运动鞋. P.E. uniforms may be purchased at the school bookstore. 不穿衣服的唯一例外是医生的书面证明.

  • Dress Code Guidelines will be enforced from the beginning of the first class each day until the conclusion of the last class.

DRUGS, TOBACCO/NICOTINE (including E-cigarettes), 和酒精不允许进入或进入欧博体育app的财产和邻近的街道, nor at school sponsored activities or at activities in which Alleman High School is participating.

无毒学区:Alleman高中是一个无毒学区. 对帮派招募和持有毒品的刑事处罚大大增加, use, or sale of drugs and weapons.

All food and drinks are consumed in the cafeteria or in the gym lobby when food is being sold in this area. 食物、口香糖、糖果和饮料绝对不能带进教室或健身房. This includes halls and stairways as well.

赌博,包括打牌,是不允许在处所. The only exception to the card playing prohibition is a pre-approved fundraiser such as a euchre tournament.

Students are to be in their assigned classroom/area each period. Students are not permitted in the hallways during class unless they have a pass signed by a teacher, administrator, or other school official. Passes should be obtained only for emergencies and to keep appointments with school officials. Any student found in an area not designated by the pass, found in the hall during class time without a pass, changing the time/date/destination on a pass, forging the name of school personnel, 或者以任何其他方式更改通行证都是违规行为,将受到进一步的纪律处分.


  1. Parking assignments on campus will be assigned in the fall.

  2. A fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) will be charged for a parking permit.

  3. 停车许可证必须在车辆前窗可见. If you will be driving different vehicles to school, all of which must be registered with the Assistant Principal, the same permit should be placed in the front window.

  4. Students may not go to the parking lot or use an automobile during school hours without the permission of the Assistant Principal.

  5. Park only in your space. If someone should park in your space, take their license number and report to the Assistant Principal. 如果发生这种情况,不要把车停在别人的车位上.

  6. Lock your car at all times.

  7. Safe driving is required in the vicinity of the school.

  8. Do not tamper with other cars.

  9. No parking is allowed on Fortieth (40th) Street or Lincoln Park. 

  10. If you violate any of these rules, 可能发生扣留和/或丧失停车特权和/或警察行动.